Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Starts with an idea

So, I've got a rough idea about the situation that Geraldo will find himself in for this movie. It's taken a while to come up with something I'm happy with. As always it started off too complicated but it's been whittled down to the basics: a couple of characters, an uncomfortable situation and a simple story. I probably wont write a script; I know these characters well. I can hear their dialogue already and I have a start, middle and end already thought out.

There was no singular inspiration for the animation. I can say with certainty that the following things have sparked an idea: A Buddy Holly song, a Tannoy system, an Alanis Morrisette track, a guy at a Ford garage and Ini Kamoze.

There you are...

Muvizu's first 'making of' blog begins. I am going to show you how I create animations in Muvizu. My last one, "Geraldo and the Plan" was fairly ambitious having over 60 shots, a musical number and all sorts of codec problems. A few people asked me how it was made and so for them here is the making of the next episode which is tentatively called, "Geraldo in Stokholm"